We are a confederation of dedicated workaholics seeking to advance the well-being of our society, our ideas, our dreams, and our wallets. We provide pragmatic solutions in existing and emerging technology.
Software design/development – Design as the foundation of solutions and innovation. If the design is right, everything becomes easier. Development becomes meeting the needs of the design not overcoming the limitation of the design with clever coding. Lean development featuring a rapid cycle of development. Fast solutions driven by the need of the client.
Reading maps – Organizations can be shaped, informed, and transformed by reading maps. We can show you how.
Pragmatic resilience – supply chain/logistic issues, critical source pivots, and the second order consequences of pandemics, distant conflicts, and social unrest are the new norm. There are pragmatic steps that can be taken to enhance resilience, food security, and continuity of operations.
Assessment tools (lean/COTS data gathering/notification) – Using commercial off the shelf hardware/software and cloud based infrastructure, a rapidly configured and deployed system for the gathering of data can be fielded. On the basis of a critical need, we have fielded a flood watch notification system in less than 24 hours. At the request of a client we built and deployed a data gathering/reporting system in four days.
Important to urgent migration strategies – Making social media useful and important to you and your clients. Migrating the unimportant and not urgent to the important and not urgent, and then when needed to the important and urgent.
Information Security Operations Centers (ISOCs) / Common operating picture (COP) – Using the pebble/marble model to provide the means to share critical information in a detailed geo-spatial environment and provide gateways to sensitive data for vetted users. Our designs have a proven record to deliver a ISOC / COP that addresses the political realities of sharing data.
Event Driven Surveillance – Pushing the intelligence of a surveillance network to the edge, so the only bandwidth required is the bandwidth that is needed, and the system tells the monitoring personnel when to pay attention.
Tethered UAVs (persistent ad-hoc surveillance) – Using tethered drones with power delivered via the tether, large surveillance assets can be lofted and maintained at altitude for weeks at a time. Equipped with WiFi broadcast down link authorized ground assets are provided a real time “gods-eye-view” on any WiFi capable platform at a fraction of the operational cost of a helicopter.
Law enforcement modernization - There are cost effective paths to improve law enforcement. Most use commercial off the shelf solutions (COTS) to save time, money, and frustration. We have provided nation level solutions that are both cost effective and COTS-based.
We solve problems and have a proven track record. We do it quickly, on time, and under budget, and that is wicked good fun.
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We work out of Austin, but we are mobile as needed. If you are in town, we would be happy to meet.
Open today | 12:00 am – 11:45 pm |
We respond 24/7 365. Do not hesitate to call.
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